2018 Registration

Welcome to the 2018 season!

To play in the new season you need to register and make the required payment.

Ways to Register
  1. Register online and then bring proof of registration along with other required ID to Club Registration Day.
  2. Attend Club Registration Day where you will be able to complete your registration in full.
Payment Options
  1. If you qualify please complete the application for a KidSport Voucher (max. $150 in 2018) and bring confirmation code to Club Registration Day.
  2. Cash – please bring correct amount
  3. Cheque – made out to ‘Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club’
  4. EFT directly into the Club’s account with BankWest:

BSB:   306 115
Acct:   0092476
Name:   Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club

NOTE: Please put surname and the oldest child’s initial in the reference line, then print confirmation of transfer and bring on Club Registration Day.

NOTE: Eftpos facilities will not be available at Club Registration Day!

What to Bring
  • Birth Certificate or proof of age (if new to Greyhounds)
  • Full fees or proof of payment
  • Email address(s) and emergency contact details
  • FFA number(s) and password(s) if you have them
  • A guardian over 18 if you are playing U16 or below

You will need to have a new photo taken if it is your 1st year in either
U12, U16, Mens and Womens; or if you are a new player to the competition.
NOTE: We are able to take digital photos on Registration Day.

Individual Fees (including insurance and match fees)

U6 – U10 (Kindy to Yr 4)

U12 – U16 (Yr5 to Yr10)

Colts (Boys)

Highschool (Yr11 & Yr12)

Tertiary (Yr12 2016 – 19yrs)

Womens Seniors

Highschool (Yr11 & Yr12)

Tertiary (Yr12 2016 – 19yrs)

Ladies (19yrs +)

Mens Seniors

Men’s (19yrs +)

Multiple Child Discounts

(Juniors and Colts only)

  • $20.00 – 2nd child discount
  • $40.00 – 3rd child discount
  • $50.00 – 4th child discount

Club Apparel

Club socks are required to be purchased ($10) and form a compulsory part of the soccer strip worn for all games. Socks will be available at Club Registration Day and are available for pre-order with Lisa Dallin (uniform@greyhoundscsc.com.au).

Note: There will be a $60.00 charge at registration for uniforms which have not been returned from last season.

