Welcome to the 2018 season!
To play in the new season you need to register and make the required payment.
Ways to Register
- Register online and then bring proof of registration along with other required ID to Club Registration Day.
- Attend Club Registration Day where you will be able to complete your registration in full.
Payment Options
- If you qualify please complete the application for a KidSport Voucher (max. $150 in 2018) and bring confirmation code to Club Registration Day.
- Cash – please bring correct amount
- Cheque – made out to ‘Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club’
- EFT directly into the Club’s account with BankWest:
BSB: 306 115
Acct: 0092476
Name: Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club
NOTE: Please put surname and the oldest child’s initial in the reference line, then print confirmation of transfer and bring on Club Registration Day.
NOTE: Eftpos facilities will not be available at Club Registration Day!
What to Bring
- Birth Certificate or proof of age (if new to Greyhounds)
- Full fees or proof of payment
- Email address(s) and emergency contact details
- FFA number(s) and password(s) if you have them
- A guardian over 18 if you are playing U16 or below
You will need to have a new photo taken if it is your 1st year in either
U12, U16, Mens and Womens; or if you are a new player to the competition.
NOTE: We are able to take digital photos on Registration Day.
Individual Fees (including insurance and match fees)
U6 – U10 (Kindy to Yr 4)
U12 – U16 (Yr5 to Yr10)
Colts (Boys)
Highschool (Yr11 & Yr12)
Tertiary (Yr12 2016 – 19yrs)
Womens Seniors
Highschool (Yr11 & Yr12)
Tertiary (Yr12 2016 – 19yrs)
Ladies (19yrs +)
Mens Seniors
Men’s (19yrs +)
Multiple Child Discounts
(Juniors and Colts only)
- $20.00 – 2nd child discount
- $40.00 – 3rd child discount
- $50.00 – 4th child discount
Club Apparel
Club socks are required to be purchased ($10) and form a compulsory part of the soccer strip worn for all games. Socks will be available at Club Registration Day and are available for pre-order with Lisa Dallin (uniform@greyhoundscsc.com.au).