Thank you, Graeme!

Greyhounds CSC would like to thank Graeme for years of dedicated and prayerful service to the Club. Graeme has seen all six of his children play for Greyhounds and led the Committee in a polite and considered way for more than 10 years as Club President. Graeme had planned to step away last year but agreed to stay on as Vice President and help the new incoming President learn the ropes – such is the man.

The legacy Graeme leaves may not be loud and visible, but is certainly far reaching and pervasive throughout the culture of our Club. God bless you, Graeme!
(GCSC Committee)

Graeme has been involved in the club since the mid-2000s and President for over 10 years! Graeme, your dedication and service and commitment has been outstanding and on behalf of each and every single player that you’ve enabled to play soccer over the years, I’d like to say thank you.
(Michael V)

I remember saying (probably me whinging) to Graeme at one match, we really need more people to run the line. This was before he was President, so I had no idea, but off he went and learnt how so he could support the club, me, his kids and his Lord. At a time when no one would put their hand up – makes me smile and cry a little – those were tough days for me and he was a true ray of sunshine. Saw a need and filled it , a humble willing servant.

A wonderful role model to us all.