2024 Registration OLD

Welcome to the 2024 season!

To play in the new season you need to register and make the required payment.

We train our teams each week on Tuesday. More information coming soon on specific times and venues for each team. Training will start towards the end of March for junior teams, with first Men’s game 5th April, rest of the competition on 3rd May.

Download 2025 Information Sheet

2025 Teams
Age GroupGenderStatus
U6MixedOpen for registration.
U8MixedOpen for registration.
U10MixedOpen for registration.
U12MixedOpen for registration.
U13FemaleOpen for registration.
U14MaleOpen for registration.
U17FemaleOpen for registration.
U16MaleOpen for registration.
ColtsMaleOpen for registration.
WomensFemaleOpen for registration.
MensMaleOpen for registration.
MastersMaleOpen for registration.
How to Register

If you are applying for a KidSport Voucher please complete the application here.

Vouchers must be emailed to kidsport@greyhoundscsc.com.au when they arrive.

Greyhounds CSC online registrations here.

This website will require you to create an account if this is your first time use, otherwise please use the same account login details as previous years.

Payment Options
  1. Cheque – made out to ‘Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club’ and brought to Registration Day or mailed to the Registrar, PO Box 2305, Warwick WA 6024
  2. EFT directly into the Club’s account with Commbank:

Name: Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club
BSB: 066167
Acct: 10612357

NOTE: Please put surname and the oldest child’s initial in the reference line, and bring confirmation of payment to Registration Day. Email confirmation of payment to treasurer@greyhoundscsc.com.au.

Individual Fees (including insurance and match fees)
Date of BirthFootball Age Group2024 Fee
1/7/2018 and 31/12/2019U6 Mixed$230
1/7/2016 and 30/6/2018U8 Mixed$230
1/7/2014 and 30/6/2016U10 Mixed$230
1/7/2012 and 30/6/2014U12 Mixed$230
1/7/2011 and 30/6/2012U13 Boys$260
1/7/2011 and 30/6/2014U13 Girls$260
1/7/2010 and 30/6/2012U14 Boys$260
1/7/2008 and 30/6/2010U16 Boys$260
1/7/2007 and 30/6/2011U17 Girls$260
1/1/2006 and 30/6/2008Colts (Boys) (Yr11 & 12) U19$280
 1/7/2005 and 31/12/2005Colts (Boys) Tertiary 19$300
Before 30/06/2005Mens$380
Before 30/06/2005Womens 19+$350
 1/1/2006 and 30/6/2007Womens (Yr11 & 12) U19$280
 1/7/2005 and 31/12/2005Womens Tertiary 19$300
Before 31/12/1989Mens Masters$360
Multiple Child Discounts

$20.00 – discount per additional junior player
Kidsport recipients are ineligible for the Sibling discounts

Coach and Manager Discounts

$80.00 – Coaches discount
$50.00 – Managers discount
$30.00 – Assistants discount

Committee Member Discount

$80.00 – Committee member discount

Club Apparel

Club socks are required to be purchased ($15) and form a compulsory part of the soccer strip worn for all games. Socks are available on Registration Day, or other from greyhounds.socks@gmail.com.

Uniform enquiries should be addressed to uniform@greyhoundscsc.com.au.

Apart from socks, the playing strip for the season is supplied as part of your registration.

Note: There will be a $60.00 charge for uniforms not returned from last season, please add this to your payment if you are not bringing the uniform to Registration Day.

Jocelyn and Graeme – registrar@greyhoundscsc.com.au