All posts by admin

2022 Awardees & Nationals Representatives

Congratulations to our Nationals representatives (photo) and all our award winners (below) for season 2022.

AgeTeamCoach’s AwardChaplain’s AwardMost Improved
U6Gems GoldEbenezer BHarry WOliver H
U6Gems GreenVicar DParker PMatueny M
U8JasperCarter RCharlie WTyler R
U8PearlsElijah JMarcus PAshton M
U8RubiesZander FAdol MBaxter B
U10DiamondsFred DJack WGabriel H
U10OpalsSang BTRuby FNemi A
U12MercuryChristian BSLMazen NTroy D
U12SilverJonathan CMia ISachini S, Jasiah B
U14BBoltzJaydee SRam SEzekiel P
U16BJetsAzarl TMatthew RMakin N
U16GSapphires Chloe BAna RZahra P
WomensEmeraldsMoo WEllie TCathy J
WomensQuicksilverEsther KLlewellyn CDanielle C
MensBullsRyan HLachlan BCaleb H
MensSteelBen SBrendan BJaden R
MensTitansPeter DJesse CDishaan V
MastersIronGary FGraeme LNick L

2025 Registration Day

Saturday 15 February
9:00am – 11:00am

Emmanuel Christian Community School
Primary Campus
(50 Casserley Avenue, Girrawheen)

Registrations are open online, if you register online you do not need to attend registration day

Online Registration Here

New Players Welcome

Please bring each of the following items:

  1. Birth Certificate or Drivers Licence
  2. Full fees or proof of online payment
  3. If registering on the day then please know your email address and emergency contact details
  4. FFA number and password if you have them
  5. A guardian (18+) if you are U16


You will need to have a photo taken if it is your 1st year in U12, U13, U16, U17, Colts, Mens, Womens or Masters or you are a new player to the Club.

** We are able to take digital photos on Registration Day. **

Titans do the double

Greyhounds CSC is proud to congratulate our Men’s Titans for another great season as they back-to-back in 2022.

History was made on the last game of the WACFA season as Greyhounds Titans defeated Riverside Swords 3 -1 to win the cup for the second year in a row.

A spectacular long-range goal by Dishaan Velupillay broke the deadlock before a scrambled ball in the Riverside box saw wing-back Ben Spiccia score the team’s second goal.

WACFA’s record games holder Sam del Pino sealed the result, winning and scoring the subsequent penalty to give the team a commanding 3-0 lead. 

Swords scored a late goal with the final score being 3-1.

The dominant performance capped off a strong season for the Titans, who won their second cup of the season after claiming the league trophy. 

It was the first time the team had gone back-to-back.

It was a gruelling season for the team as injuries and illness threatened to derail plans early, but several last gasp victories against the odds, meant the team only needed a draw in the final match of the regular season to secure 1st place. 

Venue change – Tues 13 Sept – End of Season Celebration


We are moving under cover to
Emmanuel Primary School
50 Casserley Ave, Girrawheen

Arrive at 4:45pm, sit as a team with your Coach and Manager, ready for a prompt 5:00pm start.

After a very successful and well received change in the schedule last year we are pleased to adopt a very similar program for 2022. Join us this year for the same relaxed and condensed celebration!

Please return your uniform at the Celebration Service.

  1. Wash your uniform and place in a bag.
  2. Label YOUR bag clearly: name, age group, team (e.g. Janice, U6’s, Ruby).
  3. Hand over to your team manager at end of season celebration on Tuesday.
  4. If you can’t make it on Tuesday, contact your manager as soon as possible and arrange to give it to them BEFORE Tuesday.

If you have any outstanding fees, please pay as soon as possible, or contact Peter on

All teams, All players, All family!

6:00pm – Share a picnic, bring your own chairs and/or rugs, bring the family and celebrate the end of another great football season.

This is an alcohol free event, including no BYO.

6:30pm – Stay and share time with your team while you eat and watch an exhibition ‘friendly’, played between our Colts, Women’s and Mens.

Koondoola Community Centre
Koondoola Park, Koondoola Ave, Koondoola WA 6064

Emmanuel Christian Community School – Primary School
50 Casserley Avenue, Girrawheen

Sat 17 Sept – Closing Ceremony & Finals Fixtures

WACFA Closing Ceremony

Maida Vale Reserve
Saturday 10th September 2022
10:00 – 10:45

9:50  Line up with your Coach and Manager behind the grandstand to prepare for the parade.

Matches are scheduled for U6 through to Masters. Download the WACFA flyer which includes fixtures.

WACFA Closing Ceremony & Fixtures 2022     (Saturday 10 September)

Canteen will be open selling food and drinks.

Look forward to seeing you there … GO GREYHOUNDS!!

Greyhounds needs you!

The Club is looking for enthusiastic people to take on various roles as we look towards the 2025 season.

Vice President

Assistant Treasurer

First Aid Officer

Miniroos C&M Coordinator

U12 to Colts Coordinator

Seniors Coordinator

Trophies Coordinator

Grounds Coordinator

Sponsorship Coordinator

Event Management (various options)

Social Media Coordinator

Assistant Uniform Officer

Other ???
(suggest how you would like to be involved)

These are volunteer positions within the Club. You will be required to liaise with the appropriate committee member(s) during an orientation period, but ultimately need to work independently while fulfilling this role for the Club.

If you think this might be you, or even if you just want to find out a little more about what is involved, please contact:

Jason ( or Michelle (

Linesman Training (4 July)

All teams (U12 and up) are required to supply a linesman for each game and all families are expected to go on this roster during the season.

The next Linesman training is a FREE course run by WACFA:

Monday, 4 July
Maida Vale Reserve, Maida Vale


We appreciate your commitment and support in running lines as part of your team roster.

Training Grounds & Dates

Training is scheduled to begin on the 29 March, for some teams, and 5 April for others.

Training will be at one of the following grounds:

Training times may vary between teams and will be confirmed by coaches and managers.

Venues and Dates

Koondoola Park

29 March
  • U12 Mixed
  • U14 Mixed
  • U16 Boys
  • Mens

Hainsworth Park

29 March
  • U16 Girls
  • Women
  • Mens Masters

Hudson Park

5 April
  • U6
  • U8
  • U10

Tuesday 15 March @ 6:30pm

Annual General Meeting

Hudson Park, Girrawheen
(enter off Hudson Ave)

6:30 to 7:00pm, arrive early for a prompt start and finish!

Please see the draft meeting agenda which will be emailed to all Club members. You may request any items for discussion be added to the agenda up until seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

If you would like to nominate for a committee position please email you intention to

Current office bearers and committee members can be contacted for more information about what the role involves. Contact details are listed on our website and in the emailed agenda document. Expressions of interest are welcome from anyone interested in assisting the current office bearer.

The members of Greyhounds Christian Soccer Club are the approved holders of Form 2 and Form 9s.

Please make every effort to attend. We will require a quorum otherwise we will have to re-schedule.

Coaches and Managers Meeting from 7:00pm, straight after the AGM.

Please refer to the email from our Coaches and Managers Coordinator for detail on what you can expect at this meeting and what you need to bring.

There will be detail at this meeting for both Coaches and Managers, but it is expected each team will be represented to collect equipment bags for your team.