Category Archives: Pre-season

2025 Registration Day

Saturday 15 February
9:00am – 11:00am

Emmanuel Christian Community School
Primary Campus
(50 Casserley Avenue, Girrawheen)

Registrations are open online, if you register online you do not need to attend registration day

Online Registration Here

New Players Welcome

Please bring each of the following items:

  1. Birth Certificate or Drivers Licence
  2. Full fees or proof of online payment
  3. If registering on the day then please know your email address and emergency contact details
  4. FFA number and password if you have them
  5. A guardian (18+) if you are U16


You will need to have a photo taken if it is your 1st year in U12, U13, U16, U17, Colts, Mens, Womens or Masters or you are a new player to the Club.

** We are able to take digital photos on Registration Day. **

Training Grounds & Dates

Training is scheduled to begin on the 29 March, for some teams, and 5 April for others.

Training will be at one of the following grounds:

Training times may vary between teams and will be confirmed by coaches and managers.

Venues and Dates

Koondoola Park

29 March
  • U12 Mixed
  • U14 Mixed
  • U16 Boys
  • Mens

Hainsworth Park

29 March
  • U16 Girls
  • Women
  • Mens Masters

Hudson Park

5 April
  • U6
  • U8
  • U10

Coaches Training 19 March

MiniRoos Coaching Course

Run by Football West for all Coaches, Assistants, potential Junior Coaches (16+) and Parents.

Saturday 19 March
8:00am – 10:00am
Hainsworth Park, 55 Salcott Rd, Girrawheen

This is a free training course but registration is required, and numbers are limited.


If this date is a problem please email for alternate course details.

U12 to Seniors Coaching Session

Run by Jason (Club President) for all Coaches, Assistants, potential Junior Coaches (16+) and interested Parents.

Saturday 19 March
8:00am – 10:00am
Hainsworth Park, 55 Salcott Rd, Girrawheen

This is a free training session but registration is required, please email

Registration Day Skills Clinic

Sign-up here for the FREE specialist skills clinic on Registration Day. The clinic will be run by a WACFA Development Officer and is available to all junior players from Greyhounds CSC.

Coaches and Managers are invited to attend and learn new skills and coaching techniques ahead of the new season.

Parents and volunteers are needed to help on the day, please register your interest when submitting this form.

Time: 10am – 12noon

Venue: Hainsworth Park (opposite Emmanuel Christian College).

2020 Season begins

We are very excited to see the start of the 2020 WACFA season.

Games will commence for all teams on Saturday 20 June (fixtures coming soon) with the last round being Saturday 19 September.

Please note there will be some changes to the standard game times from previous seasons and that fixtures will run through the school holidays this year.

Revised fees for the shortened season have been decided. The Club will contact you about a refund if you qualify. Registered players who have not paid fees should do this now.

If you know anyone who has registered to play but for whatever reason is no longer planning to, please ask the to contact the Club’s registrar, Stacey –

CovID-19 Update

WACFA Clubs Presidents held a meeting with Executives of WACFA  last week and agreed to the following with regards to training and the 2020 season.

  1. Clubs are to seek approval and comply with Local Authorities with access to training venues.
  2. Ensure training methods and activities comply with WA Government and Health Department rules and guidelines.

To that end WACFA has provided the following critical information presented by the WA Government:

Can I play soccer socially at the park if there are 20 of us?

Soccer is a contact sport and is prohibited, however, non- contact training or kick to kick is permitted for up to 20 people at a local park.

The space you are playing in must be big enough to provide at least 4 square metres per person and participants should practice social distancing of 1.5 metres from other people.

The playing of contact sports remains a prohibited activity.

Are sporting clubs able to return and is full contact allowed?

Sporting activities that are non-contact and involve no more than 20 people are allowed. This includes children’s sport.

Minimal shared equipment should be used and cleaned frequently.

This includes non – contact training for sports that would ordinarily involve contact (such as soccer, football, hockey , basketball and netball)

Contact sports remain a prohibited activity.

For more detailed information , Football West has provided the following link which WACFA recommends you study:

With respect to season commencement, WACFA cannot confirm a start date nor guarantee a competition until the Authorities lift the restrictions.

WACFA’s intention is to collaborate closely with clubs to commence competitions as quickly as possible once the above is confirmed.

The goal will be to maximise the number of weeks that can be accommodated prior to the normal annual closing date of 19 September.


Greyhounds CSC is pleased to be part of the KidSport Program an initiative developed by the Department of Sport & Recreation. Access KIDSPORT Funding Grants for more information relating to this program including the eligibility criteria.

We are currently registered with the following Local Government councils:

  • City of Bayswater
  • City of Joondalup
  • City of Stirling
  • City of Swan
  • City of Wanneroo

If you reside in a local government council that is not listed above and you meet the eligibility criteria, please contact your local council to confirm that they are part of this program and email so we can register our club.

U16 Girls needed

Greyhounds is creating a second U16 Girls team for the upcoming 2019 season but need a few more players. We would love to have groups of friends sign-up and play together!

Girls who are interested, but not sure, are invited to come to training and check things out before deciding.

Hudson Park, Girrawheen [view map]
Tuesday’s (4:30 to 6:00pm)

No playing experience needed, just a willingness to learn and laugh while doing so.

Email to find out more, express your interest or sign-up now.

Fun and friendship guaranteed!
2017 Winners

Rules & Rule Changes

2020 Rules & Rule Changes

Coaches, Players and Parents are encouraged to know the rules and be aware of the specific rule changes for this season.

View this information via these links to the WACFA website.

WACFA Code Of Conduct [PDF]

WACFA Bylaws – 2019 [PDF]

WACFA By-law-25 Disciplinary Regulations – 2017 [PDF]

U16 girls Competition Rules

Small Sided Football

In line with the recommendations of the FFA, WACFA endorses a non-competitive environment as the best way to introduce young players to the game of football. In our U6, U8 and U10 competitions no competition table is kept and the formats follow the “Miniroos” formats as seen in the following links and as detailed in the WACFA By-laws.

“Miniroos” is the name the FFA has given to a modified form of football designed to meet the needs of young players who have very different developmental characteristics to adult players. The philosophy of “Miniroos” focuses on participation, fun and enjoyment of the game and its reduced player numbers maximises the individual’s contact with the ball while retaining the competitive element essential for player development.

The following links provide the general rules and playing formats for “Miniroos” and should be read in conjunction with the WACFA By-laws. The WACFA Competition By-laws take precedence where differences exist.

Mini Roos Rules